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5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Crestron Home

"5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Crestron Home" Crestron; Accessed July 27th 2021

5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Crestron Home

If you haven’t heard about the new residential platform from Crestron, then now is the time.

With Crestron Home™ software, we’ve taken a new approach to residential system design, configuration, deployment, and user experience. Even if you’ve actively followed the progression of the platform, it’s easy to miss or forget some of the many new features. Since the inception of the platform in the fall of 2019, there’ve been three major updates. We expect to release another update around the time of this blog post. Hopefully, you can take away at least one useful thing from this post and use it to provide value to your upcoming job.


The Smart Home: What You Need to Know

"The Smart Home: What You Need to Know" HTA Certified; Accessed July 6th 2021

The Smart Home: What You Need to Know

"So, what’s holding you back from adding a smart home system to your home? Maybe it’s the cost that is intimidating you. Perhaps you’re skeptical of the reliability of the technology. Or in the back of your mind, you may be thinking that it’s going to be a hassle to have it installed. These are all valid concerns, and years ago when smart home technology was in its infancy, this logic was legitimate. But as with any budding technology, smart home systems have grown increasingly smarter, dependable, and economical. Yes, economical. Over the past several years, big names in the smart home industry have taken huge steps in making their professionally-installed system more affordable. Today, you can have a very capable smart home system installed and configured by a professional integrator for less than you would spend on a family vacation."


Crestron Home Centralizes Your Whole Living Space


Bring Your Entire Day Together with a Tap of a Button

A smart home system should always simplify your day-to-day life and take away any hassles that could arise from even ordinary tasks! But for a smart system to truly understand your daily needs, it must create a cohesive and centralized setup throughout your Atlanta, GA property.

This is where the Crestron Home platform shines! Effortlessly connect every smart solution and device in your home: With just the tap of a button, bridge the gap between every element of your smart home setup.

Want to find out more about the many solutions this innovative platform offers? Read on below and see how this system and its features can fit into your lifestyle – and check them out in our showroom!

Illuminate Your Home with Crestron Lighting Control


Brighten Your Day-to-Day Routine with Innovative Lighting Solutions

Home lighting can impact our daily routine and current mood with just a shift in brightness or dimness in a room. It has the power to change our outlook on the day and get us geared up to face the tasks ahead – or wind us down for an evening spent inside.

Crestron knows how important the proper lighting design for your residence is. Crestron Home’s lighting control seamlessly integrates comfort and luxury into your everyday lifestyle.

Keep reading below to learn how home lighting automation can transform your day!

Resolve to Upgrade Your Home This Year With a Crestron Smart Home Automation System


What Lifestyle Benefits Can You Expect From Crestron?

Most of us love the holidays and are looking forward to the new year. As 2021 begins, we are all hopeful for a year full of positive global changes as well as improvements to our individual lives. Resolutions are a great way to get things going in the right direction. After having spent so much time at home last year, one improvement you can make in the new year is to upgrade your home with a smart home automation system.

We probably will all be spending more time away from home in 2021 and will get to use our homes more to relax, and having an automation system can free up your time to enjoy your home when you are there. Keep reading for some of the lifestyle and entertainment benefits you could get from a Crestron system.
