Unleash the full potential of your home theater with Screen Innovations
Masterful indoor and outdoor screens for all occasions.
Why Black Diamond is better....
Revolutionize your viewing experience with ambient light rejecting screens so you can enjoy your favorite films even during the day. Embrace the big screen experience in a stylish environment with their sleek, zero edge models that fit seamlessly in any space.
Black Diamond
White screens wash out your colors and make it hard to see during day light. Black Diamond will bring your vivid colors back to life no matter how much light is in the room!
All the benefits of a motorized screen. Without having to rearrange your cinema space or block out your city view windows
Not everyone wants their screen displayed cluttering up their space. With motorized options you can roll out the movies whenever you are ready.
Zero Edge
Customized to fit perfectly in your space. With a fixed screen you are able to incorporate your design to match the theater room.
Now you can even take your screen on the go!
With the Solo line model featuring a portable cassette and a two-year battery life! The system comes with various mounting options, built in ambient light rejection, all with a full cinema feel.
Never pay for a movie ticket again!
The Smallest Motirized Shade Solution
Customize your indoor or outdoor shading. Nano is available in many colors with matching side channels. Why let the morning light in heating up your home? With Zigbee wireless connection we can program your shades to adjust with the time of day, saving you energy costs in the long run!