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Illuminate Your Home with Crestron Lighting Control


Brighten Your Day-to-Day Routine with Innovative Lighting Solutions

Home lighting can impact our daily routine and current mood with just a shift in brightness or dimness in a room. It has the power to change our outlook on the day and get us geared up to face the tasks ahead – or wind us down for an evening spent inside.

Crestron knows how important the proper lighting design for your residence is. Crestron Home’s lighting control seamlessly integrates comfort and luxury into your everyday lifestyle.

Keep reading below to learn how home lighting automation can transform your day!

Keep the Lights on This Winter with Lighting Controls!


Automated Lighting Warms Those Cold Winter Nights

It’s gotten a bit chillier in Atlanta as we roll into the winter months, and along with the cooler weather, the days are also a lot shorter. If you like to be outside, that means shifting most of your outdoor activities to earlier in the day because the light is already starting to dim by the time most of us are headed home from work and school.

Maybe you’ve driven home in the dark only to realize as you pull into your driveway that you forgot to leave any lights on. Fumbling for your keys in the dark is no fun, and neither is feeling your way to the light switch inside. But with home lighting controls as part of your automation system, the only thing you have to worry about when you get home is how to get all the groceries unloaded in one trip.
