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The Smart Home: What You Need to Know

"The Smart Home: What You Need to Know" HTA Certified; Accessed July 6th 2021

The Smart Home: What You Need to Know

"So, what’s holding you back from adding a smart home system to your home? Maybe it’s the cost that is intimidating you. Perhaps you’re skeptical of the reliability of the technology. Or in the back of your mind, you may be thinking that it’s going to be a hassle to have it installed. These are all valid concerns, and years ago when smart home technology was in its infancy, this logic was legitimate. But as with any budding technology, smart home systems have grown increasingly smarter, dependable, and economical. Yes, economical. Over the past several years, big names in the smart home industry have taken huge steps in making their professionally-installed system more affordable. Today, you can have a very capable smart home system installed and configured by a professional integrator for less than you would spend on a family vacation."


Home Theater Design - 3 Essential Ingredients

"Home Theater Design - 3 Essential Ingredients" HTA Certified; Accessed July 6th 2021

Home Theater Design - 3 Essential Ingredients

"Are you in the process of planning a home theater? Possibly you are well into the design or even already have some construction underway. Or, you may have only recently started to consider the possibility. In any case, you have likely been overwhelmed with copious, confusing and often misleading information on just exactly what creates a great home theater experience. To make sense of it all, it is a good idea to step back and consider what is possible, and what is essential to attain the results you desire. This article will consider three key ingredients of proper home theater design.

To be clear by what is meant by the term "home theater" in this article, we are referring to a room dedicated and optimized for movie, music, TV, and increasingly, video gaming. Other synonyms home technology professionals may use interchangeable for the term "home theater" are "home cinema" and private "screening room". What we are not referring to here are dual-purpose rooms that may double as the Living Room, Great Room, etc, that are open to other rooms in the home and that are not able to be optimized for high-performance audio and video. In home technology professional speak, these dual-purpose, more casual rooms are called "media rooms".


Resolve to Upgrade Your Home This Year With a Crestron Smart Home Automation System


What Lifestyle Benefits Can You Expect From Crestron?

Most of us love the holidays and are looking forward to the new year. As 2021 begins, we are all hopeful for a year full of positive global changes as well as improvements to our individual lives. Resolutions are a great way to get things going in the right direction. After having spent so much time at home last year, one improvement you can make in the new year is to upgrade your home with a smart home automation system.

We probably will all be spending more time away from home in 2021 and will get to use our homes more to relax, and having an automation system can free up your time to enjoy your home when you are there. Keep reading for some of the lifestyle and entertainment benefits you could get from a Crestron system.

2 Overlooked Components of a Great Home Theater


More and More People Invest in Home Theaters as Movie Theaters Stay Closed During the Pandemic

As movie theaters around the country remain closed, residents in Atlanta, GA are looking to create home theaters that can replicate the true movie theater experience.

There are many things to consider when attempting to create your dream home theater. However, two of the most important aspects of a stellar home theater are the space you will be using and what speakers you will install, two elements that all too often get overlooked by clients requesting home theater projects.

Many people think that creating a state-of-the-art home theater is an easy DIY project. However, to do the job right, you want to have the help of professionals. At Atlanta Audio & Automation, our team of experts will take you seamlessly from start to finish, ensuring you have the perfect home theater for you and your loved ones.
