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5 Tips for Implementing Home Technology Systems – Without the Pain!

"5 Tips for implementing Home Technology Systems - Without the Pain!" HTA Certified; Accessed July 26th 2021

5 Tips for Implementing Home Technology Systems – Without the Pain!

In a recent conversation with a very experienced builder, it was clear that he and many builders are looking for direction on the best way to have a home’s technology systems installed. He admitted it is difficult for builders to wrap their heads around the myriad technologies and brands available today. He said something that resonated deeply, “We don’t know what we don’t know” about home technology. Yet, technology has undeniably become an integral part of our lives. It is no longer a question of if the home will have technology systems in it, it is a matter of how much technology it will have. Yet, having technology installed in a home has historically been a frustrating experience for many home builders and homeowners alike.


1 – Build a Strong Partnership with a Home Technology Integrator

Professionals that install home technology are called by many different names such as low-voltage contractors, integrators, custom installers, home technology professionals, and even “AV guys”. For the purpose of this article and to give a more accurate description of the trade, we’ll use the term residential integrator or just "integrator" throughout. The term integrator is appropriate, as they literally integrate many technology systems, maybe much more than you realize.

2 – Determine Technology Needs as Soon as Possible

In a perfect world the clients’ technology needs will be defined during the design phase of the project, and you will be provided with a detailed set of design and engineering documentation along with floorplans. Ideally, the technology design and engineering documentation will define important details. 

3 – Understanding Budgets

Installed costs for technology systems vary greatly. You no doubt have seen how two different homes of the same general size can have technology budgets that are multiples of each other depending on client preferences! 

4 – Is Your Technology Integrator Qualified?

Partner with a firm that works well with your peers, works in similar size and cost of homes you design or build, and delivers a similar level of service and professionalism. If your client is trying to bring in their own technology integrator, make sure they are making a wise choice. Raise a flag if it’s a bad fit. It is important to understand that there are many installation firms that are simply “tech experts,” yet are not as experienced in working on longer timeline projects with exacting levels of fit and finish requirements.

5 - Making Sense of Bids

It is common for builders to obtain multiple bids for each trade. Getting multiple bids for a home’s technology systems can often add to frustration and confusion due to the wide range of quality and performance available, as well as the varying capabilities of the integration firm as discussed above. You may find pricing varies dramatically from company to company. Too often the lowest bidder wins, only for you and the client to find out they made a poor choice later. As is often the case in life, you get what you pay for. We have heard the saying before, price and value are two different things.

To keep reading this article by HTA Certified - click here to see all the benefits how these solutions can make your life easier.

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